Volume 2 Vintage collectibles Guide
Guidebook announcement here for The Halloween Retrospect, Volume 2 – the continuation of a new series of reference booklets about vintage Halloween collectibles. This newest edition is set to arrive mid to late December 2023, to offer more unearthed treasures found while the archivist librarian digs through period catalogs: about 515+ vintage information objects from past holiday markets 1900-1979. The content (for the return volume of THR guidebooks) has reached final stages (with plans for a December 30th, 2023 release).
As for contents this second time around, readers may wish to note the library’s archivist is excited to announce a feature article of information discovered while working with one of the most interesting history centers here in the United States housing Dennison records. The resulting and rather long article (with THR’s typical detail) discusses some of the mysteries surrounding Dennison’s long line of autumn-themed publications, and includes a full-color 11″x17″ fold-out poster rich with imagery from 1909-1935.
But wait, there’s more! 😉 it should be mentioned that the shorter articles are fun tidbits as image-driven pieces with the book’s second article about early-century B. Shackman & Company catalogs and relative data (as well as extra timeline cards), then a third article about about the couple (and kinfolk) on the cover of this particular edition, while the fourth and final article is about midcentury E. Rosen Company sucker cards and their appearance in Sears catalogs.
Once available The Halloween Retrospect, Volume 2 will appear in the publications portion of the website with more imagery, and an etsy checkout link. (The author sells via etsy to check all stock quality, manage any applicable taxes, and ship content to you in a sturdy box).
Release date: December 30th, 2023 – see publications.

Volume Two: Contents
The Halloween Retrospect, Volume 2
Softcover 9″×6” guidebook, 32-pages with color and black & white illustrations. Official copies also contain one full-color poster and 2 informational timeline cards.
A: Poster, Dennison’s 1909-1935 Autumn Publications with Serial Numbers
B: Timeline cards (2): witch candy container & black cat lantern seen in Shackman’s.
Letterbox (pg. 4) w/Introduction Statement of Intent, Regarding Source (pg. 5) updates readers with a shortened introduction to the archive and important information about the library as a means to explain the mission and tone of the publication.
Decrypting Dennison Serial Number Guide Featuring Autumn Publication (pg. 10) examines and translates the dashed number system found on print publications by Dennison’s Manufacturing Company. Particular focus is given to Halloween-themed titles from the 1910’s to the 1930’s (but the information transfers to your favorite Dennison’s titles).
Contains 7 illustrations as well as source references. Fold-out poster 11×17.
Shackman’s 70 / 72 Peculiar Catalogs from the Tens & Thirties (pg. 20) offers a brief history of B. Shackman & Co. with the majority of focus on the numeric system of product catalogs and resulting anomalies. Includes other data for dating vintage catalogs by the company.
Contains 4 illustrations as well as source references. Cards for two favors as catalog timelines.
Skittles or Decor The New Identity Crisis for Vintage Figures (pg. 24) reviews content of 515+ store-vendor catalogs to consider the question: skittle or decor? Also reviews data concerning the customer-facing side of sales and use.
Contains 10 illustrations as well as source references.
Trix or Treats at Sears Rosen in Midcentury Midseason Fall Catalogs (pg. 28) considers Rosen cards in the Halloween candy sections of Sears Midseason Fall Book 1946 to 1954, with a focus on sucker cards appearing in catalog clippings.
Contains 5 illustrations, a fillable table, as well as source references.
Index The Halloween Retrospect, Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 (pg. 32) begins to develop a reference of keywords across the book series.
Once available The Halloween Retrospect, Volume 2 will appear in the publications portion of the website with an etsy checkout link.
Release date: December 30th, 2023 – see publications.
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