For the vintage Halloween collector, learn more about the publishing history of Dennison Manufacturing Co books and magazines shown in the image in a collectibles article from The Halloween Retrospect, Volume 2.

THe Halloween Retrospect
Archive Library

The Halloween Retrospect archive library has earlier roots – out of a time (some twenty years ago) when average collectors had greater potential in the second-hand market (given fewer spells of price distortions) to develop interesting collections from modest budgets. It was also a time (circa 1990’s) when survey books and critic/seller connections supplied the majority of information (right or wrong) about the vintage market, before digital media (at once both new yet stumped by the past) further complicated narratives. Regardless, the scrappy years resulted in a collection of numerous anomalies, prompting this collector to write a research blog without prescribed boundaries; and this was the 2014 introduction of The Sane Halloween Observer.

Vintage catalogs shelved at The Halloween Retrospect archive library are source material for the research magazine.

In 2018, coinciding with dwindling blog entries, the blog’s author began working toward a Master Degree in Library and Information Science (2021), and whenever possible utilized an on-hand collection of diverse holiday objects in personal studies – enhancing perspectives on the state of such objects, of information and discovery tools, as well as informing methods sought for future projects. This began a process, not only for better archival management, but also for competent publications organization as a functional library. As it turned out, those print (and digital) records proved to be important primary sources, and thus began The Halloween Retrospect (2023) as a serialized digest publication of research, followed recently by a new art-book Halloween Artifacts (2024) with the same attention to data sources.

New for March 2025 comes The Halloween Retrospect, Volume 4 from an evolving collection of Vintage Halloween Collectibles book references by THR offering guides for collectors, as print publications for sale from the archive library online bookstore - including art books, research digests, posters, postcards, and crossword puzzle games.

Following admirable examples of Lavin* and Truwe** (see below) the archive library’s new series, both The Halloween Retrospect, and Halloween Artifacts, lean toward research rather than speculative assurances for rarity, price, and merit. Instead, these books offer meticulous analysis on featured subjects. To do so, study originates by way of manufacturer, distributor, or trade-specific publications across formats (books to pamphlets) from 1900 to 1979 depending on conversations around certain discoveries. A clear example of this process can bee seen in a study of Dennison MFG Co serial number data in THR, VOL 2.

An evolving collection of Vintage Halloween Collectibles book references by The Halloween Retrospect offers guides for collectors, as print publications for sale from the archive library online bookstore - including art books, research digests, posters, postcards, and crossword puzzle games.

Aaron Wiley, Halloween Ephemera by: Joanna Hauser – February 16, 2024, Filed to: Collector SpotlightOtherworldly.

The THR archive library includes the following information objects that directly portray Halloween consumer goods of the vintage market (as of date: February 15, 2025)

Around 625 vintage publications with 269 on-hand & 356 verifiable surrogates
as 528 publications with definitive dates, with 83 crude, and 14 a bit more obscure
as 111 professional entities from the U.S. with 6 originating from other countries
and an as yet uncounted # of relevant materials – books, magazines, ads, etc.

And now, on to the shelves…!

PLEASE NOTE: THR does NOT employ AI-generative technology. Content is created by human biological entities to ensure results engage accurate research with mindful artistry.

Featured Resources
from the Archive Library

* Claire M. Lavin
Recommended vintage Halloween collectibles guidebook Claire M. Lavin, Timeless Halloween Collectibles: 1920-1949 (2005) features Halloween products dating 1920-1949 from author's a visit to the Beistle archives.

Claire M. Lavin “Timeless Halloween Collectibles: 1920-1949” (2005). Also see the author’s 2006 publication: “Time for Halloween Decorations.” See blog entry.

** Ben Truwe
Vintage Halloween catalog collection  book The Halloween Catalog Collection, 55 Catalogs from the Golden Age of Halloween (2003) by Ben Truwe features actual page excerpts from primary sources dating 1911 to 1971.

Ben Truwe “The Halloween Catalog Collection: 55 Catalogs from the Golden Age of Halloween” (2003). Book/CD out of print. See blog entry.

In-house Titles
of Source Review

1st Volume, Halloween Artifacts Art Survey Book
New full-color 114-page 8-1/2x11 book from THR archive library publications is Halloween Artifacts, Volume 1: Lighting that offers a vintage collector a guide with large images, vintage catalog samples, and whenever possible a timeline of vintage novelty merchandise catalog dates. (The Halloween Retrospect archive collection).

Volume 1: Lighting, Halloween Artifacts: is a survey-style book of photos with catalog samples and data focused on luminescence of lanterns, shades, etc. (8-1/2″ x 11″ full-color 114 pages).

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